Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya suatu inovasi media pembelajaran, pada kegaiatan wawancara dan observasi ditemukan kurangnya antusias peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajar IPA, yang disebabkan sumber belajar kurang menarik, kurangnya pemanfaatan media berbasis teknologi dan kurangnya kegiatan yang mendorong peserta didik terhadap literasi sains, sehingga terdapat beberapa minat belajar dan kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik yang rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan Pop-up book digital berbasis kontekstual dalam peningkatan minat belajar dan literasi sains, serta mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap PUB digital berbasis kontekstual. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan R&D (Research and Development) dengan model ADDIE. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari wawancara, observasi, tes dan angket. Populasi seluruh peserta didik Kelas VII MTs Islamiyah Waled. Sampel terdiri dari 2 kelas yang diambil secara simple random sampling, yaitu kelas VII C dan kelas VII B. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 1) Menggembangkan PUB berbasis digital diawali menganalisis kebutuhan, tahap desain merancang penyusunan isi PUB digital berbasis kontekstual, karakteristik pop-up book digital berbasis kontekstual dibentuk dengan animasi, video audio, trasisis ilusi pop up dan menjelaskan konsep ilmiah yang relevan kehidupan sehari-hari, yang dapat merangsang minat belajar dan literasi sains. Tahap pengembangan produk divalidasi oleh ahli media, materi dan desain pembelajaran, menunjukan hasil produk layak digunakan. Tahap implementasi, PUB digital berbasis kontekstual diuji kepada peserta didik. Produk dievaluasi hasil kelayakan dan keberfungsian. 2) Hasil minat belajar rata-rata nilai pretest kelas eksperimen, yaitu 49,9 dan posttest yaitu 80,3, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol rata-rata nilai pretest 51,2 dan rata-rata nilai posttest 69,3. 3) Hasil Literasi sains menunjukan kelas eksperimen rata-rata pretest 36,6 dan posttest yaitu 77,5, sedangkan kelas kontrol rata-rata pretest 36,3 dan posttest yaitu 64,9. 4) Respon peserta didik menunjukan respon positif terhadap penggunaan Pop-up Book digital berbasis kontekstual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan PUB digital berbasis kontekstual layak digunakan untuk media pembelajaran, adanya peningkatan minat belajar dan kemampuan literasi sains, serta menunjukan respon positif peserta didik yang menggunakan Pop-up Book digital berbasis kontekstual. Rekomendasi untuk penelitian ini, sebaiknya Pop-up Book digital menggunakan bantuan aplikasi yang mudah dikases secara online peserta didik dan diaplikasikan dengan materi yang erat kaitannya dengan kehidupan peserta didik yang mudah dipahami.
Kata Kunci: Pop-up Book digital, Kontekstual, Minat Belajar, Literasi sains, Pengaruh Manusia Terhadap Ekosistem.
This research was motivated by the lack of innovative learning media, in interviews and observation activities it was found that there was a lack of enthusiasm among students in science learning activities, which was due to less interesting learning resources, lack of use of technology-based media and lack of activities that encouraged students towards scientific literacy, so that there are some students' low interest in learning and scientific literacy abilities. The aim of this research is to develop a contextual-based digital pop-up book to increase learning interest and scientific literacy, as well as determine students' responses to contextual-based digital PUB. This research method uses R&D (Research and Development) with the ADDIE model. The research instrument consists of interviews, observations, tests and questionnaires. The population is all Class VII students at MTs Islamiyah Waled. The sample consisted of 2 classes taken using simple random sampling, namely class VII C and class VII B. The results of the research show 1) Developing a digital-based PUB begins with analyzing needs, the design stage is designing contextual-based digital PUB content, the characteristics of digital pop-up books contextually based, formed with animation, audio video, pop up illusion transitions and explaining scientific concepts that are relevant to everyday life, which can stimulate interest in learning and scientific literacy. The product development stage was validated by media, material and learning design experts, showing that the product was suitable for use. In the implementation stage, contextual-based digital PUB is tested on students. Products are evaluated for suitability and functionality. 2) The results of interest in learning were the average pretest score for the experimental class, namely 49.9 and posttest, namely 80.3, while in the control class the average pretest score was 51.2 and the average posttest score was 69.3. 3) The results of scientific literacy show that the experimental class averaged a pretest of 36.6 and a posttest of 77.5, while the control class averaged a pretest of 36.3 and a posttest of 64.9. 4) Student responses show a positive response to the use of contextual-based digital Pop-up Books. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the development of a contextual-based digital PUB is suitable for use as a learning medium, there is an increase in learning interest and scientific literacy skills, as well as showing a positive response from students who use contextual-based digital Pop-up Books. The recommendation for this research is that digital Pop-up Books should use the help of applications that are easy for students to access online and applied with material that is closely related to students' lives and is easy to understand.
Keywords: Digital pop-up book, contextual, interest in learning, scientific literacy, human influence on the ecosystem.