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Era abad ke-21 menghadirkan tantangan yang semakin kompleks. Penguasaan kemampuan berpikir kritis menjadi penting agar siswa mampu menghadapi tantangan dunia nyata. Namun, bahan ajar saat ini belum mampu memfasilitasi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalsis validitas produk, menganalisis respon siswa, serta menganalisis kefektifan produk hasil pengembangan berupa e- booklet berbasis potensi lokal Kabupaten Kuningan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan menggunakan metode R&D (Research and Development) dengan model ADDIE (analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,and Evaluation). Dengan subjek penelitian 30 siswa kelas X-J SMAN 1 Luragung. Teknik pengambilan sample adalah purposive sampling dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data adalah adalah lembar wawancara, angket validasi ahli, angket respon siswa, dan tes uraian. Hasil analisis validasi produk menyatakan bahwa e-booklet berbasis potensi lokal Kabupaten Kuningan dikatakan layak berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 95% (sangat valid), ahli media memperoleh nilai 96 % (sangat valid), dan validasi guru biologi sebesar 98% (sangat valid). Hal ini didukung dengan respon positif siswa pada uji coba skala kecil yang memperoleh rata-rata nilai sebesar 92% (sangat setuju) dan uji coba skala besar yang memperoleh 86% (sangat setuju). Hasil efektivitas produk diketahui bahwa terdapat peningkatan rata-rata nilai pretest dan posttest. Hal ini diperkuat dengan hasil uji hipotesis bahwa Thitung (12,22)>Ttabel (2,00) dan nilai n-gain sebesar 0,67 (Sedang). Sehingga dapat diartikan bahwa e-booklet berbasis potensi lokal Kabupaten Kuningan dapat secara efektif meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, serta sangat valid dan layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Kata Kunci : E-booklet, Berpikir Kritis, Potensi Lokal

The era of the 21st century presents increasingly complex challenges. Mastery of critical thinking skills is important so that students are able to face real-world challenges. However, current teaching materials have not been able to facilitate this. This study aims to analyze product validity, analyze student responses, and analyze the effectiveness of products developed in the form of e-booklets based on local potential of Kuningan Regency to improve students' thinking skills. This research is a development research using the R&D (Research and Development) method with the ADDIE model (analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). With the subject of research 30 students of class X-J SMAN 1 Luragung. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with a one group pretest- posttest design. The instruments used in data collection are interview sheets, expert validation questionnaires, student response questionnaires, and description tests. The results of the product validation analysis stated that the e-booklet based on local potential of Kuningan Regency was said to be feasible based on the results of material expert validation of 95% (very valid), media experts obtained a score of 96% (very valid), and biology teacher validation of 98% (very valid). This is supported by the positive response of students in small-scale trials who obtained an average score of 92% (strongly agree) and large-scale trials which obtained 86% (strongly agree). The results of product effectiveness are known that there is an increase in the average pretest and posttest scores. This is reinforced by the results of the hypothesis test that Tcalculate (12.22)> Ttable (2.00) and n-gain value of
0.67 (Medium). So it can be interpreted that e-booklets based on local potential of Kuningan Regency can effectively improve critical thinking skills, and are very valid and feasible to be used in the learning process.
Keywords: E-booklet, Critical Thinking, Local Potential

Item Type: Thesis (S1 / D3)
Uncontrolled Keywords: E-booklet, Berpikir Kritis, Potensi Lokal
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > S1 Pendidikan Biologi
Depositing User: Dila Fitria
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2025 02:11
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2025 02:11

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