Lismana, Rafa
S1 / D3 thesis, Universitas Kuningan.
Bahwa siswa SD sering bertengkar hanya karena masalah sepele seperti berebut penghapus. Ketika sedang upacara bendera berlangsung, masih ditemukan siswa yang tidak tertib seperti seharusnya hormat kepada bendera merah putih malah diam saja tidak melakukan dan asyik berbicara dengan teman sebelahnya saat upacara. Hal ini menandakan bahwa nasionalisme pada diri siswa masih kurang. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Berdsarkan observasi yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini rendahnya keterampilan praktik lapangan pada aspek smaphore,hal ini di dasarkan pada observasi dimana pada kegiatan smaphore nilai lebih rendah dari aspek observasi lainnya, pada aspek ini secara berturut-turut skor 128 pada observasi ke-1, mendapat skor 144 pada observasi ke-2, dan mendapatkan skor 178 pada observasi ke-3.kesimpulan, terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode learn-ing by doing terhadap karakter nasionalisme anggota penggalanng pramuaka, didasarkan pada hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, tentang pengaruh metode learning by doing terhadap karakter nasionalisme pada tabel uji F, bahwa nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,01 Nilai kurang dari taraf signifikansi 0,05 sehingga Ho di-tolak dan H1 diterima, kondisi berarti bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara ekstrakulikuler pramuka terhadap sikap nasionalisme anggota pramuka pengga-lang. Adapun nilai Koefisien Determinasi yaitu 19,2% dimana hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa Ekstrakulikuler Pramuka berpengaruh sebesar 19,2% terhadap Sikap Nasionalisme. Hasil observasi peserta anggota pramuka dapat simpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode learning by doing berpengaruh terhadap karakter na-sionalisme hal ini di tunjukkan dari nilai rata-rata pada setiap observasi, terdapat peningkatan dari observasi pertama ke observasi kedua serta ketiga pada saat kegiatan kepramukaan di SDN Linggamekar.
That elementary school students often quarrel just over trivial matters like fighting over erasers. When the flag ceremony took place, there were still students who were not orderly as they should respect the red and white flag instead of staying silent and not doing and engrossed in talking to their nextdoor friends during the ceremony. This indicates that nationalism in students is still lacking. Quantitative Research Method Based on the observations found in this study, the low skills of field practice in the smaphore aspect, this is based on observations where in sma-phore activities the score is lower than other observation aspects, in this aspect consecutively score 128 in the 1st observation, get a score of 144 in the 2nd obser-vation, and get a score of 178 in the 3rd observation. there is an influence of the use of the learning by doing method on the nationalism character of members of the pramuaka section, based on the results of data processing and analysis, about the influence of the learning by doing method on the character of nationalism in the F test table, that the significance value is 0.01 The value is less than the signif-icance level of 0.05 so that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, the condition means that there is a significant influence between scout extracurriculars on the nation-alism attitude of members Scout Raiser. The value of the Coefficient of Determina-tion is 19.2% where it can be said that Scout Extracurricular has an effect of 19.2% on Nationalism Attitudes. The observations of scout participants can be concluded that the use of the learning by doing method affects the character of nationalism, this is shown from the average value in each observation, there is an increase from the first observation to the second and third observations during scouting activities at SDN Linggamekar.
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